
Like a Bear

  • Kuma bachi | Carpenter Bee
  • In Japan, the word "Kuma" that meaning bear is often attached to the name of large and black species. The carpenter bee is also attached "Kuma" to their name and called "Kuma bachi" in Japanese. *"Bachi (hachi)" meaning bee. Many people fear them as harmful insect because of their big size, but they are usually calm.
    They have powerful jaws and can puncture even hard flowers, so the wisteria which has hard flowers choose carpenter bees as their pollinator partner. So you will see many carpenter bees around full blooming wisterias.

    kumabachi kumabachi kumabachi kumabachi kumabachi

    A male individual hovering within its territory looking for a female.


    Male individuals (left) and female individuals (right) have different faces.
