
Inari Shrine


Inari Shrine is one of the most populer surines in Japan. Inari shrines worship the god of rice and agriculture, and are closely associated with Japanese life centered on rice cultivation. Foxes are to be a messenger of the God Inari because they chase away rats around rice field and their tails are similar to ear of rice. That is way statues of foxes stand in Inari Shrines.
Another iconic symbol of Inari Shrines are Torii gates that are painted vermilion color and standing in a line along the approach to worship hall. The vermilion color has the meaning of warding off evil spirits. As you pass through the vermilion torii gate that seems to go on forever, you will feel a sense of elation as if you are getting closer to a sacred place one step at a time.
Inari Shrine was originally the god of rice, but it came to be worshipped as the god of industry as a whole. This shows the flexible religious outlook of the Japanese people, who have changed their gods and beliefs to suit the times, the development of life from an agrarian culture and the changing times.

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