Different shrines for different folks
Shrines have been established in various places where gods or spirits dwell. There are a lot of variety of shrines. Some shrines are simple and ancient, others are large with multiple facilities, and still others are influenced by Buddhism through the Shinto-Buddhist syncretism.
Different types of shrines worship different type of gods or spirits, so Japanese people choose the shrine they visit depending on their wishes at that moment. There are wide variety of shrines, and they can be found everywhere in Japan. It's so much fun to find one near your home or where you are staying and identify what makes it different from the others.
There are various facilities in shrines. If you need further information, please refer to the bottom of this page.

General layout of shrines
Facilities common to many shrines are shown in the diagram above.
As you walk along the approach from the entrance to the main shrine, the first thing you will see is the "Torii" . It's the gate to enter the shrine and marks the boundaries of the shrine.
Along the approach, night lights are standing for visitors to worship throughout the night.
After passing through the torii gate, there are facilities such as a purification fountain, a kagura hall, and a shrine office.
As you go further, you will see the guardian dogs and finally you reach the worship hall and the main shrine.
Guardian dogs and night light were originally Buddhist facilities, but since the Shinto-Buddhist syncretization, they have also been installed at shrines. Even after the separation of Buddhism and Shintoism, they remained in most shrines and have become a common facility at shrines.